Richard Devos Support Israel ?

richard devos support israel

Richard Devos Support Israel ? founder n president of AmWay Corp Richard M.Devos Jr…political donation and of course republican support Israel, not only democratic party US.

Ramai yang pm tanya Amway ni support Israel ke

sebabnya Amway ni Company yang asal dari US . Tapi sebenarnya Amway ialah sebuah syarikat Amerika yang mengkhususkan dalam penggunaan pemasaran pelbagai peringkat untuk menjual produk kesihatan, kecantikan, dan penjagaan rumah.

Syarikat ini diasaskan pada tahun 1959 oleh Jay Van Andel dan Richard DeVos dan berpangkalan di Ada, Michigan.Rich Devos dan Jay Van Andel Org belanda yg menetap di US. Jgn risau kalau org sebut Amway dr US (isu palestin). Cth, kalau kerajaan kita atau pemimpin kita keluarkan sesuatu statement, adakah itu mewakili pemikiran & hati kita semua?


Grand Master 33rd Degree iaitu pangkat paling tinggi dalam Freemason ditabalkan hanya di Scottish Rite Scotland.

Mereka semua adalah pengikut huruf G iaitu GAOTU yang bermaksud Grand Architect of the Universe ataupun Dajjal dan penyembah Lucifer. Mereka punya kuasa dan kekayaan yang melimpah ruah. Antaranya :

1)James Cameron – penerbit filem Terminator dan Titanic.

2)Walt Disney – seorang Ashkenazi jew.

3)Aleister Crowley yang dikatakan pelopor Satanisme Moden.

4)Tony Blair – bekas Perdana Menteri UK.

5)Richard DeVos – pengasas AMWAY.

6)Henry Kissinger – Perancang Mastermind seorang yahudi Ashkenazi.

7)Bill Gates – pemilik Microsoft

8)Michael Bloomberg – platform Bloomberg news

9)Michael Dell – pencipta Dell computer

10)jeff Bezos – Pemilik Amazon.Com

Dan banyak lagi. Video di bawah hanya senaraikan sedikit wajah-wajah mereka.

Ahli Amw*y habaq HQ mereka x support Israhell

dan tak terang terangan support jadi hukum ‘harus’ beli produk Amw*y lps dgr ceramah ustaz Azhar Idrus. Lepas tu cakap netizen uneducated sebab tak buat research. Well, untuk pengetahuan uolls.

‘1990s, Top funding Amw*y organization was a major contributor to the Republican Party (GOP) and to the election campaigns of various GOP candidates.’

‘1994, Amw*y gave the biggest corporate contribution recorded to that date to a political party for a single election, $2.5 million to the Republican National Committee (RNC), and was the number one corporate political donor in the United States’.

‘1998 analysis of campaign contributions conducted by Businessweek found that Amw*y, along with the founding families and some top distributors, had donated at least $7 million to GOP causes in the preceding decade’.

‘2004, election cycle, members of the Van Andel and DeVos families were the second, third and fifth largest donors to the Republican party’.

‘From 1996 to 2000 and 2003 to 2005

Dick DeVos, son of Amw*y founder Richard DeVos and past president of the company, served as Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee, and his wife Betsy DeVos served as chair of the Michigan Republican Party’.

‘2017, Betsy DeVos was confirmed by the Senate as the 11th Secretary of Education.’ Antara president Amerika yang dari Republican Party (GOP) Bush & Donal Trump. Mereka yang mula melakukan keganasan ke atas saudara seislam Iraq, 2003.

Dulu kini & selamanya Amerika secara terang terangan menyatakan menyatakan sokongan ke atas Israhell walaupun President sekarang John Bidet dari Democratic Party. Amw*y ialah top funder parti GOP mereka menyumbang secara besar besaran. Bukan tax sahaja okay tapi derma dengan rela hati.

Jadi kenapa netizen bitter sangat dengan Amw*y?? Bukan Amw*y sahaja mana2 company yg ada kaitan dgn US & Israhell secara langsung atau tidak kita BOIKOT. Bila ramai yang boikot company besar2 ni akan mula rasa tekanan jadi mereka akan mula bersuara.

Nak harapkan suara kita di FB/tik tok/ insta tak sampai 10minit dah kena block/ban & sebagainya. Moga kita dapat pahala jihad walau sebesar zarah supaya mereka berhenti zalimi saudara seislam kita.

Jay Van Andel

was an American businessman, well known for being the co-founder of Amway Corporation, along with Richard DeVos.

Jay Van Andel was born on June 3, 1924 and passed away on December 7, 2004. I married Betty Van Andel, and they had four children. He was recognized for his service as President of the United States Chamber of Commerce from 1979 to 1980 and later served as a member of its Superior Council from 1980 to 1985.

In 1949, Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos became distributors of Nutrilite dietary supplements.. They added cleaning products, including Organic Liquid Cleaner, to their core product line in 1958. In 1959, the American Way Association began in the basements of the Van Andel and DeVos homes, and later that year, the Amway Sales Corporation was formed. A refurbished service station became the first building where Amway’s outside offices operated in 1960.

Today, Amway is one of the most recognized multinational marketing companies distributing in many parts of the world a wide variety of health, beauty and home care products. Richard Devos Support Israel ?

Sedikit sbnyak penerangan about isu amway yg viral skrng ni..

tlongg la ye . Bila da dgr penerangan.. Tak nak pulak terima.. Tetap kata amway ni israel.. Bukan ke jadi awak2 ni yg jatuh hukum sndri mcm tu..lpastu lain pulak terpecaya..jadi hukum jatuh fitnah kan..

Jgn taww.. x baik mcm tuu.. Kalau nak boikot ye tak salah. Boikot pada bnde yg sudah terang lagi bersuluh mnyokong israel.. Bukan mncari dan mngali ssuatu ksalahan pada ssuatu syarikat dan terus menerus mnuduhnya mnyokong israel..

Hakikatnyer..ramai je lagi yg bersidai dkt mcd..starbuck.. and etc.. Dan knpe hanya amway sahaja yg dipersoalkan? Company lain yg sama niche dgn amway..tak pulak dihebahkan..

Cuba msok dapur tuu..cek brngan dkt rumah kite.. ada tak brngan dri company yg mnyokong israel? Yg sudah trang2 dihebahkan mnyokong israel..Nadyaa tak marah taw.. cuma bgitahu jekk..Richard Devos Support Israel ?


  1. aisya

    jadinya Amway ada kaitan tak? agak pening sebab awal2 mcm ya last macam tak..minta pencerahan ya

    • richard ni personal , amway sebagai syarikat. personal nih suka hatilah nak support siapa. org amway pun ambil duit derma dkt palestin, takdelah kena terminate

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